Friday, May 28, 2010

New Rihanna Vid

Beautiful Video..check my previous, "Is Bisexual the new Black?"

Wednesday, May 26, 2010



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Monday, May 24, 2010

Seat Filler Remix

Spur of the moment randomness! Seat Filler is a song on my e.p. "The In Between" I decided randomly to see if it would go to the Usher "Lil Freak" song that I previously the beat tho :) Freestyled singsongy rap and all, check it!

Find Your Love

Feeling musical today, one more vid coming! I think I'm going to do a series of response records, to the young rappers sensitive I'm just tired of one song telling women about our life and struggle or talking about how all they wanna do is love us and then the next song is calling me a bitch! Get some therapy! lol

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Is Bi-Sexual the New Black??

I have been trying to figure out how to write about this; Bisexuality being all the rage like a fashion trend. I have had many conversations and I started seeing the trend a while ago. It's the new fade to be bisexual in all aspects of the media, particularly for women. (note: Bisexual men still are not apart of these images and won't be largely because of male supremacy and the need to control men and keep them in strict roles, especially sexually. Any threat to the stereotype undermines the power structure. Women are not seen as much of a threat because we do not control the system)

There was the Katy Perry song, then actress Megan Fox "came out" as bisexual, then Lady Gaga, Nikki Minaj, hip hop, r&b,pop, rock music; Rihanna's next single is "Te Amo" her song about a foreign young woman who has a crush, she can't quite reciprocate. Homo-eroticism running rampant! It just keeps coming!(lol) But, most of these images and people seem to be bisexual for fun, for publicity,and in music, mostly for the sake of the male protagonist.

On the one hand, the fact that queerness has become such a part of the pop culture landscape is interesting and could be beneficial to sparking real conversations and making young people especially, more comfortable and more apt to explore who they are and accept who they are if they are having these feelings. It can have a normalizing affect. However, rarely are the images or discussion lead by the bisexual woman in question. If it is a woman exclaiming her queerness it is largely exaggerated and more of a performance or the woman is just a sexual conquest or challenge for the male.

NEWS FLASH: If a woman is down to get down with you and another chick, that's great for ya'll as long as it's done safely and it's consensual. However, that doesn't mean they are bi-sexual. To identify as anything in the queer spectrum comes with your personal history attached and it is within the historical and societal context of queerness as a whole. You don't get your bisexual card just because you have a threesome.

2nd NEWS FLASH: You are not irresistible and all women do not love you and want to have sex with you and if she is a LESBIAN in a RELATIONSHIP, your dick is not appealing!

This thinking also suggest that just because you are bisexual you are promiscuous, ready, and willing to get down with a man whether you have a significant other or not. It perpetuates stereotypes and devalues and belittles peoples identities and further subjugates women, particularly women of color in most cases. And frankly, we don't need anymore of that! Especially, if you are a woman, of color, and queer! These artist have such a public persona and it would be great if they could find another subject to write about or explore this in a real way. But, exploring things in a real, vulnerable, and honest way is lacking in most pop culture offerings, so again it must be our task to tell our stories, advocate for others, and fight for ourselves!

Click the title for the link to a dope article on the subject. And check out Ushers "Lil Freak" vid.

"Te Amo"

Nikki Minaj "Massive Attack"

Radio Interview!!

This just might be my first radio interview! Yay!

My peoples Wonway, Dion Decibels, and Angela(don't know how to spell her DJ have this dope radio show called Think Beat Radio on It was really fun and I think I did! Listen up

Thursday, May 6, 2010


What's good beautiful people!

First, I want to thank you all for making the kick off event such a success! It was a blessing to grace Oakland's streets with all of you, and I am looking forward to seeing you all on more rides to Friday, ha!

Yup, Red, Bike and Green is riding this Friday! Same place 
different time:

Friday, May 7
Lake Merritt, Grand and El Embarcadero (across from Gold's Gym)

Keep in mind that this is our monthly ride. It's an evening ride, so it won't be as kid-friendly as the event that took place two weeks ago. This is our "ride with the flow of the evening and just kick it with good folks" type of ride - the beauty of the mass.

Also, drop me a line if you still want a t-shirt. We can bring it on Friday.



Wednesday, May 5, 2010

YAY for good blog post!

The homey, writer/blogger extraordinaire Niema did a wonderful post on my e.p. She is a contributing writer to one of the best bay area blogs out there, and she also has her own blog She made my e.p. the soundtrack to her because I sing and write about real things, that people, particularly people of our generation go to. So thanks for the love, check out my post and these dope blogs. :)

Beyonce is a beast!

So, I have been on this song for like a year! Apparently this video is just for her fans, thanks Be! Vocally beasting, lyrically fun, musically beasting! lol. Listen to her vocal arrangements and the breakdowns in this. I believe my other fav Knowles, Solange, wrote or co-wrote. The video is not my fav, but I like how she used a 50's aesthetic to point out the message of the song! Not, that deep, but pay attention kids, you might learn

Why Don't You Love Me?